Viltrox Authorized Dealer
VILTROX AF 27mm F1.2 Pro 超大口径 APS-C プライムレンズ、Sony E/Nikon Z 用に設計
VILTROX AF 27mm F1.2 Pro 超大口径 APS-C プライムレンズ、Sony E/Nikon Z 用に設計
- 超大口径F1.2:明るいF1.2レンズがクリーミーなボケ味を生み出します。画像の鮮明さと美しいボケ味の組み合わせにより、立体感のあるポートレートを実現します。
- 正確で高速なオートフォーカス性能: 高速で移動する被写体を捉えます。瞳フォーカス、EXIF 情報転送、USB アップグレードをサポートします。シャッター音がほぼ無音のため、被写体のより自然な撮影が可能になります。
- すべてを撮影: 27mm の焦点距離は、40mm 相当の焦点距離を提供します。最も自然な奥行きの視点を提供します。このレンズは、アクション満載の日常のスナップショットやクリエイティブなストリート写真から、角張った建築シーンや広大な風景まで、さまざまなジャンルやスタイルをカバーできます。
- 光学収差の厳密な制御: 11 群 15 枚のガラス要素の光学構造により、最大絞り設定で高解像度を実現できます。さらに、色収差も大幅に低減されます。
- 0.28 焦点距離: 最小焦点距離は 11 インチ (28 cm) なので、カメラを被写体に近づけたり遠ざけたりするだけで、画像にさらにダイナミックな外観を加えることができます。


Let me start by saying that I love the image quality of this lens. But after trying it out over a weekend trip, I decided to return it. I usually use a SIgma 18-50mm 2.8 lens on my A6400. The heaviest lens I have used was the Sigma 16mm 1.4. I switched to the Sony 15mm 1.4 because of the size and weight. I thought I could handle the Viltrox but it is a beast. That is why I would never go to full-frame. If you are not use to heavy lens, look elsewhere. lol
Wow, what an amazing lens.Sharp as a samurai blade wide open.Love it, I've done so many portraits with it and everyone loves the results.Fully captures almost the entire body of a person and still has a nice bokeh.The only issue I've had the lens hood keeps popping off. It didn't matter because I would just put it back on, but today I was on a boat, and voila, it hit the railing and popped off and I saw it slowly going down the deep ocean.I keep the lens hood on to protect the lens and now I can't seem to find a cheap replacement without ordering a new one from Viltrox.Update June 24/24I told Viltrox my lens sank in the ocean and they sent me a new one for free!Great customer service, thank you Viltrox!
From the all-metal build quality, thorough weather sealing, and clarity of glass, this lens is professional quality for half the price of native lenses. Lightning fast auto-focus, amazing exceptional photo clarity, and the 27mm (40mm equivalent for my APSC camera) this is the perfect companion for my Sony a6700.
100% love this lens. The autofocus settings thru USB really help out to tailor to your usecase. It misses once in a while with fast moving objects, but for the price this is WOW. The quality of the image even at 1.2 is stunning.
I recently switched to Sony a7iv, bought this lens and oh boy I'm inlove. Hands down the best one I've used! This is my new favourite lens